Health: The “positives” and “negatives” of wearing a “face mask”?

How to Wear a Face Mask

Coronavirus: Doctor explains the proper way to wash your hands and put on a face mask

•Jan 29, 2020

South China Morning Post
1.14M subscribers

Should you or shouldn’t you wear face masks with COVID 19 if your NOT “SICK”?


Everything you need to know about face masks | COVID-19 Special

•Apr 9, 2020
DW News
1.36M subscribers
How useful are face masks during the coronavirus crisis? Experts can’t really agree on this: Should we wear them? And if so: who should wear them? Do they protect me, or the other person? And which types of masks make sense at all?
In many Asian countries, face masks are regarded as one of the main weapons in the fight against the coronavirus. And in China it’s even forbidden to be on the streets without a mask.
Here in Europe, we have mixed feelings about wearing masks. In times of scarcity many believe masks should be reserved for healthcare workers who depend on protection. But that view seems to have changed recently. Now more and more local authorities do recommend to wear masks in public.

Use of Face mask and COVID-19 | Dr. Mridul Bera (English)

•Apr 28, 2020
Narayana Health
80.4K subscribers
It is very important to use a face mask like most of the transmission occurs while inhaling the droplets. A face mask prevents the transmission from one infected person to another. It is essential to wear a mask while going out. A cloth mask can be made at home and it can be used.

Dr. Mridul Bera, Consultant – Internal Medicine at Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Howrah, shared the essence of using a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Face Masks Online?

Face Mask vs Respirator Comparison by 3M

10 Best Surgical Face Masks to Reduce the Spread of Germs
Jacob Osborn, 20 Mar 2020
“… In that scenario, you’ll need to wear a surgical mask under the following circumstances:

You need to leave your home for any reason and will be in public areas
You’re visiting a medical facility
You’re showing symptoms and other people are present in the same room as you..

…1. 3M 8511 N95 Respirator

More than any other brand, 3M has emerged as the most trusted provider of surgical masks and respirators. The 8511 N95 is something of a gold standard in terms of everyday efficiency and prevention. It features a Cool Flow valve mechanism and delivers 95% filtration efficiency against certain non-oil-based particles and aerosols. Good luck finding one.

Pros: NIOSH approved, efficient particulate filtration, cool valve mechanism to prevent heat buildup, adjustable nose clip
Cons: currently hard to find, non-adjustable straps

Medical Respirators N95 Fitting Instructions 3M Health Care Respirator & Surgical Mask 1870

5. Coxeer Dust Mask

Bring out your inner Bane with this nylon-based dust mask. Popular amongst bikers, outdoor enthusiasts, and fitness freaks, it features velcro fastening and unique ventilation. It’s also washable for repeat use. While effective against dust and other particles, it should not be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19….

China’s first reusable N95 mask comes to the market

The Best Face Masks for Virus Protection
March 25, 2020 by Joshua Clark

Keep Calm and Breathe Deeply
Post on: Mar 10, 2020 | Anna E. Silverman
So, if you have ordinary face covers made from cloth, you are supposed to disinfect and or clean them daily after use. As for surgical covers, N95 and N99, it’s recommended to throw away after daily use. However, with the current pandemic looming over us, even those supplies are running dangerously low!

The ProN95i Respirator is a technology that’s proven to be even more effective than the N99. Initially created for US Navy Seal and Special Forces to prepare themselves against biological warfare in the country. ..”

Cycle Protect

Make Your Own

A Doctor Explains What to Know About Wearing a Homemade Face Mask | NBC10 Philadelphia

Minnesota: Twins Homer Hanky Face Mask

How to Make PM2.5 Face Mask

Other Purposes

Best Sellers in Facial Masks

Shop Tips: Respirators vs. Dust Masks

The Best Respirator Mask for Smoke and Dust STOCK SHORTAGES February 28, 2020

Fitness Gyms

Wearing mask while exercising could do more than protect you from COVID-19, doctor says

“wear a cloth mask instead of an N95”

Health check: What’s the safest way to workout during the COVID-19 pandemic?

“circulation is key for ventilation (air exchange)

VERIFY: Should you wear a mask while exercising?

“case by case (depending where your working out and the amount of bystanders)


When and how to wear medical masks to protect against the new coronavirus?

•Mar 9, 2020
World Health Organization (WHO)
548K subscribers
If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly.

Face masks for the public during the covid-19 crisis BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 09 April 2020)
“..(1) Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security and make people adopt a reduction in compliance with other infection control measures, including social distancing and hands washing.[3]

…(5) Face masks make breathing more difficult. For people with COPD, face masks are in fact intolerable to wear as they worsen their breathlessness.[5] Moreover, a fraction of carbon dioxide previously exhaled is inhaled at each respiratory cycle. Those two phenomena increase breathing frequency and deepness, and hence they increase the amount of inhaled and exhaled air. This may worsen the burden of covid-19 if infected people wearing masks spread more contaminated air. This may also worsen the clinical condition of infected people if the enhanced breathing pushes the viral load down into their lungs…”

Face masks are now recommended for all, but how much do they help?
Sara Chodosh
Updated: April 21, 2020
The coverings alone won’t keep you healthy, but they will provide some protection.
“..Certainly some viruses travel well through the air in aerosolized droplets, but you’d need to be in close proximity of a sick person sneezing or coughing for that to happen. On the other hand, you shake hands with a sick person or touch things that a sick person has recently touched quite often, even without realizing it. You also touch your face roughly 52 times every day, and every time you do you carry infectious agents from whatever you just touched to the region around your nose and mouth. From there, those bacteria or viruses can get into your mucous membranes and cause disease.

It’s for this reason that the World Health Organization doesn’t suggest using surgical masks alone as a method of prevention. When used in conjunction with frequent hand-washing—the gold standard of disease prevention—they can be effective. But alone, they won’t do much, though they might do something. And right now, something might be enough to recommend them…”

Should Everyone Wear A Mask In Public? Maybe—But It’s Complicated Tara HaelleSenior Contributor
I offer straight talk on science, medicine, health and vaccines.
‘…“The question a month ago was will they protect you, the wearer, and the answer is still, they probably won’t protect you,” Eli Perencevich, the University of Iowa infection prevention specialist I spoke to for the last article, said when I spoke to him today about the topic. One of the biggest reasons they won’t protect the average wearer is that most don’t wear them correctly—even when trained—and unconsciously engage in counterproductive behaviors, such as touching the mask frequently. …

“The critical thing is that we’re in a totally different part of the epidemic, where the shift is that we have to assume many of us are infected, so we would wear masks for a totally different purpose,” Perencevich said. “Now, with social distancing, we’re assuming everyone is sick, so it makes sense for the time being that the CDC is considering broadening mask recommendations, not to protect the wearer, but to protect the family members and others in the community.” ..

Homemade masks were not as effective as surgical masks in preventing wearers from expelling droplets, but they did reduce droplets and were better than no protection, according to a 2013 experiment.

…Five separate studies in the 2015 review above found that N95 respirators significantly reduced infections compared to surgical masks.


Coronavirus Fears Drive Demand for Face Masks, but Some Experts Doubt Them benefit
By Julie Wernau in Beijing and
Stella Yifan Xie in Hong Kong
Jan. 30, 2020 5:09 pm ET
“..As fear about the deadly new coronavirus spreads in China, face masks have disappeared from store shelves and sold out online. At least two Chinese provinces now require them to be worn in public. Factories that make the masks in China are operating 24 hours a day to meet the demand…”

Face masks: How they work, the two types, who should wear them (hint: very few of you)
Caroline Roberts mugshot
Caroline Roberts
March 6, 2020 11:59 AM PST
“..Disposable face masks block large particles from entering your mouth, while more tight-fitting N95 respirator masks are far more effective at shielding you from airborne illnesses. Both of these masks could potentially help protect you from getting a viral infection, but US government officials have emphasized that the American public should not purchase face masks to prevent themselves from getting infected. Instead, only people who are displaying symptoms of coronavirus should wear masks to prevent the spread of the disease to others. ..

A better way to protect yourself from coronavirus

Despite the small number of coronavirus cases in the US, many people are eager to protect themselves. The best way to protect yourself from the current coronavirus — and any other virus such as the flu — is to stick to basic hygiene habits. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face (especially your mouth, nose and eyes), sneeze or cough into your elbow, stay home when you’re sick and disinfect surfaces often. …”


Coronavirus Myths Debunked: Face Masks, DIY Sanitizers, $3,000 Tests

•Mar 25, 2020
113K subscribers

‘…Face Masks Protect Against The Virus
Standard face masks do little to protect against contracting the virus: they’re designed to keep the mask wearer from spreading their own germs, not to protect against particles entering the mask.

Wearing masks can actually increase your risk of infection: if worn incorrectly, you might find yourself readjusting your mask and touching your face more.

Lung Health & COVID-19 FAQ

My state is requiring use of face masks when in public areas such as a grocery store, but I have chronic lung disease which makes it hard to breathe when I wear a face covering. What should I do?

Individuals living with chronic lung diseases are at higher risk for worse outcomes if they become sick with COVID-19. As much as possible, it’s best to remain home and distanced from others to reduce your risk of contracting the virus that causes COVID-19.

If you must go into crowded areas where masks are generally required, I suggest you speak with your healthcare provider about a doctor’s note explaining the medical reasoning for not wearing a mask and keep that on you when out.

Former AIDS Scientist Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption

1,091,809 views•Premiered Apr 29, 2020
2.25M subscribers

Dr Judy A Mikovits PHD has a virtual sit-down with Patrick Bet-David and opens up about her fallout with Anthony Fauci that led to her 5 year gag order and whistleblower status. Order her book Site: Plague of Corruption Follow her on

“affects O2 levels”

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