
A Brief History of Yoga | Art Of Living – YouTube

Origin and History of Yoga – YouTube
“..A detailed analysis of etymology of Yoga , the video traces in an interactive manner the earliest origins of Yoga to its current form and gives an overview of its evolution in its 3 major forms of Raaj yog, Hatha Yog and Modern Yog. A very helpful video for students of Yoga. http://www.marmayog.in..”

Did the Beatles introduce yoga to the Western world? BY JANEL CHATRAW people.howstuffworks.com
“. ….But after John Lennon accused the Maharishi of molesting Mia Farrow, the Beatles fell out with their former master. The allegations were unproven and no charges were ever filed, but the damage was done. Proponents of the Maharishi suggested the split was not the fault of the yogi, but was instead caused by the Beatles’ use of LSD and other drugs in the ashram. George Harrison was the only member of the Beatles to later make amends with the Maharishi.

of Yoga.” George Harrison was fascinated by the book and began studying yoga and Eastern religion. His wife, Pattie Boyd, encouraged him to study Eastern mysticism, Indian philosophy and become a vegetarian. By 1966, Harrison journeyed to India to study sitar, a type of string….


3 Most Effective Pranayamas – Deep Breathing Exercises – YouTube

Pranayama – What is It and Why Do It? By Elonne Stockton centeredyoga.com
“..means to pause, extend and regulate the prana, the life force of the breath. It is an ancient system of working with the breath through specific techniques and retentions, which enact a direct effect on the nervous system and on the mind/consciousness.

When pranayama practices were described in the Hatha Yoga texts, during the Middle Ages in India, their main purpose was to awaken kundalini, the spiritual energy that is said to be dormant in all of us. But for most people, this reason may sound too esoteric to make sense of…”

Branches of Yoga

The Branches of the Yoga Tree Mara Carrico Aug 28, 2007 yogajournal.com
Whether you are devotional or intellectual in nature, yoga has a path for you. Discover all five branches of yoga.
“..Hatha yoga is one of six branches; the others include raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, and tantra yoga. ..”

Kinds of Yoga – hatha yoga, mantra yoga, kriya yoga … – YouTube

What Style of Yoga is Right for You? Jessie Newell by Jessie Newell on April 21, 2015 .acefitness.org
“..There are six true branches of yoga, each focusing on something different. Most classes attend to one or more branches:

-Hatha yoga is a system of postures, known as asansas, which creates awareness and purity within the physical body so that we are fit for meditation.

-Karma yoga is a practice of altruistic giving without attachment to the outcome with the reservation that a higher power is the doer of these actions.

-Mantra yoga involves centering through repeated words or phrases (such as oms), called mantras, which represent different aspects of the spirit.

-Bakhti yoga involves complete devotion to finding the love and divinity in every creature and everything as a sense of continuous worship.

-Jnana (Gyana) yoga emphasizes seeking wisdom, including discriminative intelligence to achieve spiritual liberation.

-Raja yoga, which is considered the highest path of yoga, combines elements of the other branches to seek one’s highest self.

The Beginner’s Guide to Every Type of Yoga Out There Fitness by Christine Yu on 9/16/2017 dailyburn.com

1. Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga Poses: Shoulder Stand Whole Body Workout – YouTube

What is Hatha Yoga? Fitday Editor fitday.com
“.. dates back to the 15th century. Scholars refer to a treatise or publication known as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, where some elements of Hatha yoga are indicated. Hatha yoga was a specific type of yoga activity that, in earlier times, prepared participants for meditating for a very long time.

What Hatha Yoga Means

Hatha yoga is sometimes called a “dual” type of yoga because it includes a duality between two opposites: the sun (in Hinda, “ha”) and the moon (“tha”). Some who practice Hatha yoga call it a “yoking” yoga as it joins these two opposites together. This main established principle for Hatha yoga leads to specific structured poses and other activities that help with body and mind “purification” through principles like asana (postures), pranayama (subtle energy control) and more…”

Fitness Live – HATHA YOGA – YouTube

14 Different Yoga Styles and Their Benefits to Your Health doyogawithme.com

a. Ashtanga( “power yoga”) [The Power of Ashtanga Yoga: An Interview with Kino MacGregor
Kino McGregor talks to YogaJournal.com about Ashtanga yoga and about her new book.

YJ Editors
Jul 10, 2013 yogajournal.com ]

Ashtanga Yoga Background .ashtanga.com
‘.. literally means “eight-limbed yoga,” as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for revealing the Universal Self consists of the following eight spiritual practices:

Yama [moral codes]
Niyama [self-purification and study]
Asana [posture]
Pranayama [breath control]

*see Dangers of pranayama trueayurveda.wordpress.com

Pranayama or vital energy expansion is much much more than just simple breathing exercises. Due to lack of knowledge as to the depth of these yogic practices, we take them for granted. We have also bought into the idea that because of its so called spiritual nature they are perfectly safe. There is not anything further from the truth. ..

Pratyahara [sense control]
Dharana [concentration]
Dhyana [meditation]
Samadhi [absorption into the Universal] (Scott 14-17)..”

Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners – Half Primary Series – YouTube

b. Viniyoga

What is Viniyoga? .viniyoga.com
“..is a comprehensive and authentic transmission of the teachings of yoga including āsana, prāṇāyāma, bandha, sound, chanting, meditation, personal ritual and study of texts. Viniyoga (prefixes vi and ni plus yoga) is an ancient Sanskrit term that implies differentiation, adaptation, and appropriate application.

tasya bhūmiṣu viniyogaḥ..”

20 minute Yoga Practice: Breath-centered, energizing ViniYoga …

c. Kripalu

Essentials of Kripalu Yoga: a Gentle, Spiritual Practice By Ann Pizer
Updated July 06, 2017 verywell.com
Personalized Practice for Mind, Body, and Spirit
“.. places equal importance on the mind, body, and spirit. It’s ideal for beginners and is accepting and adaptable to everyone, no matter your age, ability, size, or other circumstance. ..”

The Art of Teaching: Three Stages of Kripalu Yoga – YouTube

d. Integral

What is Integral Yoga? swamisatchidananda.org
“..is a synthesis of the various branches of Yoga. It is a scientific system for the harmonious development of every aspect of the individual.

The following are its different branches…’

BEGINNERS Integral Hatha Yoga – YouTube

Stress, Yoga & Your Heart: A Talk by Dr. Dean Ornish – YouTube

2. Lyengar

Iyengar Yoga
By paying close attention to anatomical details and the alignment of each posture, Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods and often modified with props. This method is designed to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions. B.K.S. Iyengar founded Iyengar Yoga.

30 minutes practice of Iyengar Yoga for beginners to intermediates …

2b. Restorative Yoga Sequence
*most appropriate for “beginners” discovering Yoga for the 1st time (Restorative Yoga for Fitness Professionals Megan Senger by Megan Senger Contributor ProSource™: November 2014 acefitness.org

Basic Restorative Yoga Sequence – YouTube
“Amy Landry
Published on Oct 1, 2012
Perfect for the New & Full Moon… A gentle practice for beginners to experienced!
Filmed at Verve For Life: http://www.verveforlife.com.au

Check out my website to stay in touch: http://www.amyelandry.com

xoxoxo “

3. Sivananda

Sivananda Yoga doyouyoga.com
“..is one of the slower-paced styles of yoga that focuses more on meditation, breathing, and spirituality. The Sivananda yogic style is currently one of the biggest schools of yoga, and was introduced to the Western audience by Swami Vishnu-Devananda in 1957. The style is based on five branches of yoga philosophy: relaxation / meditation, diet, positive thinking, exercise, and proper breathing…”

Sivananda Yoga Asana Sequence in 12 Basic Postures – YouTube

4. Bikram Yoga

26 Postures – Bikram Yoga® bikramyoga.com
“..twenty-six posture exercises systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as nature intended. Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well being will automatically follow…”

bikram yoga.

Bikram Yoga Workout – 60 Minute Hot Yoga with Maggie … – YouTube

5. Kundalini (“Serpent”)

Introduction to Kundalini: The Yoga of Awareness THE BLOG 03/26/2015 06:04 pm ET Updated May 26, 2015
By James McCrae huffingtonpost.com
“..Yoga has dozens of variations in philosophy and style. Some yogas (like Bikram) are structured as a physical workout. Others (like Jivamukti) put an emphasis on meditation. Kundalini Yoga is little of both, but with an added emphasis on consciousness that activates energy centers throughout the body. Kundalini class can be a good workout, but its teachers and students (often wearing white turbans) participate in each kriya with a quiet reverence more akin to a temple than a gym. If you like your physical exercise to come with a side of spiritual enlightenment, Kundalini Yoga might be for you…”

What Kundalini Yoga is and What are its Core Benefits – YouTube


episode 11: The dark side of kundalini

Why Kundalini Can be Dangerous. – YouTube

Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality – Discussion innerexplorations.com
“..But these kundalini phenomena began to act strangely. The energies took the form of invisible hands that touched him, and amorphous animals that would attach themselves to him and bite him or lick his face. At first he accepted these things as part of some sort of spiritual journey, but he eventually became concerned about them and sought psychiatric help. But this was no psychosis in the ordinary sense of the term. Rather, what appears to have happened is that this powerful kundalini awakening activated the psychological unconscious, which produced a whole halo of images and experiences. It clothed itself in the contents of the unconscious, and so created a highly visible and tangible kundalini drama. But the activation of the unconscious was so strong that it began to flood the ego in a manner akin, but not the same, to what happens in psychosis. .. This kind of search for “experiences” can be dangerous to both our psychological and spiritual health…

Was brought up in Brethern churches. Devoted Christian until about the age of 18 when began to wander into drug culture (And here’s something interesting – Kundalini and drug use). 7 years ago, aged 24, began experiencing these symptoms – burning sensation at the base of my spine, hearing my name called as I lay to sleep, sensation of a bird flying around inside me, energy rushes – sometimes blissful; othertimes anxious, burning in my body, telepathic sensitivity, precognition. Because I was unprepared and on drugs I had a weird mental breakdown. Every night, when I went to bed, conversations and scenarios filled my head. I thought I had tapped into some collective consciousness….

Then I began to suffer psychic attacks and for a while ,3 years ago went thro’ a traumatic time. These attacks sprang from fool-hardy practise and association with “healers” and I found that I was living in a massive deja vu. Everything I had heard as voices while lying in bed at night during my mental breakdown was now being lived thro, 3 years on. I felt trapped, was completely taumatised…”

…more responses down below->

6. Somatic

About Somatics – what is it? – Yoga & Somatics Classes, One-to-Ones … mabconsultants.co.uk

“.. involves a series of specific exercises that reconnect the brain with the muscles so you can let go of tightness in the body. The movements are slow and mindful, and are performed on the floor, so your body is more comfortable and isn’t fighting against gravity. No pain..”

Somatic Yoga, an Introduction – YouTube

Western Influence

Why Indians say Americans are doing yoga wrong

Negatives & Positives


Bikram Yoga Founder Ordered to Pay Over $7M in Sexual Assault Suit

-Jewish Perspective

What’s Wrong with Yoga?

-Muslim Perspective

YOGA & MUSLIMS : Why Muslims Cannot Do Yoga?

-Christian Perspective
*see Religion: What is Christianity? goodnewseverybodycom.wordpress.com

What is the Christian view of yoga? gotquestions.org

“…The question becomes, is it possible for a Christian to isolate the physical aspects of yoga as simply a method of exercise, without incorporating the spirituality or philosophy behind it? Yoga originated with a blatantly anti-Christian philosophy, and that philosophy has not changed. It teaches one to focus on oneself instead of on the one true God. It encourages its participants to seek the answers to life’s difficult questions within their own consciousness instead of in the Word of God. It also leaves one open to deception from God’s enemy, who searches for victims whom he can turn away from God (1 Peter 5:8).

Whatever we do should be done for God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31), and we would be wise to heed the words of the apostle Paul: “Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8, NLT). A Christian should exercise caution and pray for discernment regarding involvement in yoga…”
The Truth About Yoga-
Yoga led Laurette Willis into a New Age lifestyle. Now she’s warning others of the spiritual pitfalls—and offering an alternative.

Holly Vicente Robaina Home>2005>March
“… It was 1965, and Laurette’s mom, Jacquie, didn’t think twice about exercising along with this yoga program that came on the TV after Jack La Lanne. She developed a passion for yoga, and began instructing free classes in her home. Laurette served as the demonstration model for her mom. The young girl relished the attention—and her family never suspected this seemingly innocent exercise would open the door to a New Age lifestyle that would affect Laurette for the next 22 years…..

She’s developed a prominent presence on the Internet, largely due to her new exercise program, PraiseMoves, which she calls “a Christian alternative to yoga.” She shares her testimony on the website (www.PraiseMoves.com) in a pull-no-punches style, and responds to numerous e-mails—some curious, others critical of her stance on yoga. Additionally, she posts comments on the message boards of other fitness and religion websites. She’s also self-published a book and video about PraiseMoves….

As an adult, Laurette immersed herself in every New Age and metaphysical practice she came across: chanting, crystals, tarot cards, psychics, channeling spirits.

“I tried everything—Kabbalah, Universalism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism —because I was spiritually hungry,” Laurette says. “I call the New Age movement ‘Burger King’ because it’s like the fast-food restaurant’s motto: ‘Have it your way.’ That’s what the New Age movement tries to do, to achieve God on its terms.”…

Is Yoga Sinful? desiringgod.org

“…Secondly, I would want to say that both yoga and tai chi, the little I know and the little research I have done, have their roots in eastern worldviews and are profoundly in those roots antithetical to a Christian understanding of God and the way he works in the world. So yoga is to the body what mantra is to the mouth — that is the way I would put it anyway. One explanation says that for the mantra, “One has to chant a word or a phrase until he or she transcends mind and emotions and in the process the superconscious is discovered and achieved.” Note the use of “word” in that mantra-like way in order to move into the superconsciousness. In other words, yoga exercises are a spillover from that kind of verbal repetition and philosophy of how one moves physically and emotionally and intellectually to this superconsciousness…”

Should Christians Do Yoga? .cbn.com
“…These are postures that are offered to the 330 million Hindu gods. Yoga postures really are; they are offerings to the gods. If you do these postures and you do this breathing technique and this meditation, then you will be accepted by a god, little “G.” That’s the real danger,” she said.

In yoga they do what they call pranayama breathing. Prana is the Hindu word for life force, the same concept as the word chi in some martial arts. Yoga breathing attempts to manipulate that life energy, which Laurette believes is perilous. “That is a dangerous thing,” she said, “because I think that we are coming out from under the blood of Jesus when we do stuff like that, and we are no match for the enemy in those areas. I think of what Paul said in Ephesians 2:2, that Satan is the prince of the power of the air. We are not talking about oxygen.”…

Laurette told me that one of her PraiseMoves certified personal trainers visited India for three months on a mission trip, and she would often see people in the streets doing yoga poses in front of the statues of the gods…

“Romans 12:1-2 says we are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God,” added Laurette. “Here they are doing something very similar with these postures to their 330 million gods, and it is scary. So we abstain from things offered to idols—Acts 15:29.”..”

Think you can be Christian and do Yoga? PLS LISTEN TO THIS!

“Published on Jul 3, 2014

After being informed that the audience would have some professing Christians who do yoga, this talk “Dangers of Yoga and Kundalini” was given.

This talk includes Purvi’s testimony of her journey as a former devoted Yogi to a follower of Jesus Christ/Yeshua haMashiach as well as an analysis of Yoga from a biblical perspective for the first hour. The second portion is a question and answer session.

Disclaimer: In this video I suggest pilates as an alternative to yoga. I have learned since this talk that too many modern pilates classes are mixing yoga into the routines and it can be difficult to decipher for many. I do regret so liberally recommending pilates. I would recommend free style stretching , dancing, and general muscle toning as well as cardio exercises without hesitation. Sorry for any confusion or hindrance I may have caused!

Special thanks to brother Rodney and sister Khala for helping get out the truth about Yoga and for great hospitality!

**Isha Yoga document referenced in video: http://www.martusministry.org/downloa…

*****Praise report update: We have been informed that after this talk, several people from the audience have repented of yoga involvement and quit their classes, Halleluyah!!”
Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible? – A Biblical Worldview Perspective Michael Gleghorn , May 27, 2002 probe.org
“..Before we begin digging, however, we must first understand what the term “yoga” actually means. “According to tradition, ‘yoga’ means ‘union,’ the union…of the finite ‘jiva’ (transitory self) with the infinite’…Brahman’ (eternal Self).”{2} “Brahman” is a term often used for the Hindu concept of “God,” or Ultimate Reality. It is an impersonal, divine substance that “pervades, envelops, and underlies everything.”{3} With this in mind, let’s briefly look at three key texts that will help us chart the origin and development of yoga within India.

It appears that one can trace both the practice and goal of yoga all the way back to the Upanishads, probably written between 1000-500 B.C.{4} One Upanishad tells us: “Unite the light within you with the light of Brahman.”{5} Clearly, then, the goal of yoga (i.e. union with Brahman) is at least as old as the Upanishads.

In addition, the word “yoga” often appears in the Bhagavad Gita, a classic Hindu text possibly written as early as the fifth century B.C.{6} In chapter 6, Krishna declares: “Thus joy supreme comes to the Yogi . . . who is one with Brahman, with God.”{7}

Finally, in about A.D. 150, the yogi Patanjali systematized yoga into eight distinct “limbs” in his Yoga Sutras. These eight limbs are like a staircase, supposedly leading the yogi from ignorance to enlightenment. In order, the eight limbs are: yama (self-control), niyama (religious observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyahara (sense control), dharana (concentration), dhyana (deep contemplation), and samadhi (enlightenment).{8} It’s interesting to note that postures and breathing exercises, often considered to be the whole of yoga in the West, are steps three and four along Patanjali’s “royal” road to union with Brahman.

We see that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline deeply rooted in the religion of Hinduism. This being so, we may honestly wonder whether it’s really wise for a Christian to be involved in yoga practice. Next, we’ll continue our discussion by examining some of the important doctrinal differences between yoga and Christianity.

First, yoga and Christianity have very different concepts of God. As previously stated, the goal of yoga is to experience union with “God.” But what do yogis mean when they speak of “God,” or Brahman? Exactly what are we being encouraged to “unite” with? Most yogis conceive of “God” as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coextensive with all of reality. This doctrine is called pantheism, the view that everything is “God.” It differs markedly from the theism of biblical Christianity. In the Bible, God reveals Himself as the personal Creator of the universe. God is the Creator; the universe, His creation. The Bible maintains a careful distinction between the two.{9}..


Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality – Discussion innerexplorations.com
“..I accept that not all people are drawn to the ‘mystical’ side of things, and nowadays think that perhaps it not always necessary to have been through a powerful kind of experience like Kundalini in order to have a strong relationship with God. I have read many stories about people who have experienced Kundalini and suffered some very harmful effects. To me, yes it is preferable to have had a stable grounding built up over many years through dedicated prayer and study, rather than put oneself through this. Kundalini is something I’d really only recommend to people who are very mature, stable and responsible – not to young and impressionable people who are mainly out for the thrill of an ‘out of this world’ type experience, because having had the experience, you then have to deal with it and the repercussions over the long term, for the rest of your life..

The therapist worked with me on a mat and strange things happened to me – noises coming out of my stomach, energy moving through my body etc Unfortunately, against the advice of my Jungian therapist, I continued to go for a few more months. In one session something opened up in me and out of my mouth came a primal scream. The therapist pushed me back onto a mattress on the wall. I felt so ashamed by what I had done. This was the beginning of the nightmare!

A few months later I woke up with the feeling that a large female snake was coiled on top of my head. It was pushing me down, down. I was terrified! By this time I had stopped doing the bodywork. I told my Jungian therapist and she told me that that night she had had a dream of a snake in her home. The next day I was walking to work along a busy street in my home town. It was 8.30 am and the sun was shining. Suddenly I felt a movement at the bottom of my spine – I then saw a vision of a snake curled there. It start talking to me and I started talking to it. I was still walking. Then I was in the park and I put my arms around a gum tree with a white trunk and the snake uncurled and attached itself above my head to the tree. This was to change my life forever….

…Of course, Jesus is uniquely THE Son of God and THE Christ as our Savior and the Firstborn among many brethren. We continue this human experience in eternity on a richer, fuller multi-dimensional level, but still in a body with God as Jesus is now as a human, though as God Jesus is omnipresent. Jeff .”

Kundalini Awakening: Serpent Power

Christian Yoga: Bringing The Kundalini Serpent Into The Church
by Geri Ungurean December 17, 2014 by NTEB Feature Story Contributor Geri Ungurean nowtheendbegins.com
“In spite of the advertisements and talk about health and fitness Christian yoga’s real goal is to awaken Kundalini power, coiled like a serpent at the base of the…
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
“..Dave Hunt:

“Well, to put it bluntly, it’s demonic. There is no way you can explain it physically, it’s a non physical force. There certainly is nothing coiled at the base of the spine, three and one-half times coiled like a serpent that’s going to spring up when you get in the proper state of consciousness, supposedly. This is the same occult power that all the occultists are in touch with, or try to be in touch with.”

In yoga, the student is told to empty their minds to prepare for meditation. An empty mind is exactly what Satan likes! Look at what God says about meditation:

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)

We meditate on His Law and on His Word. We FILL our minds with the goodness of our Father’s perfect and Holy Words. Do you want an empty mind, or a mind filled with God’s Word?

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)..

Don’t forget that the Evil one – the father of lies – the author of confusion – Satan, wants to take you away from the Lord. Hold fast to what you know is right. Turn away from evil. Cling to Jesus and His Word.

1 Peter 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”


FHES – Holy Spirit or Hindu Spirit – Which spirit is slaying your church
*see Deep thought: Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is One? goodnewseverybodycom.wordpress.com

“Why I Stopped Teaching Yoga and Reiki, to Follow Jesus” – Jessica Smith interview

69,036 views•Nov 16, 2019





Doreen Virtue
210K subscribers
Jessica Smith was a yoga teacher and Reiki master, until she learned that these teachings are demonic and unbiblical. In this interview, Jessica shares how Jesus transformed her heart and her life. Jessica is the author of “The Shattering.”

You can contact Jessica through her website: TruthBehindYoga.com
*see Deep Thought: Does “curiosity” really “kill the cat”? TruthBehindYoga.com

Former Kundalini Yoga Teacher Turns to Christianity – Part 1/8


Episode 012 – Harry Potter and the Yoga Instructor

Roasted Christian
“Published on Sep 12, 2016

Should Christians boycott Harry Potter? Is Yoga off limits for a believer? John and Bobby talk this and more in our final episode of season one. John finally gets a word in edgewise for Gary Johnson, we drink some of John’s home roasted Rwandan, and learn a little more about what “fullcity” is to sound like a much smarter hipster at your next coffee shop gathering. The occult, Halloween, and witches; nothing is off limits in this episode.

The Roasted Christian Podcast
Subscribe at: http://roastedchristian.com

Produced by: Pet Fox Studios at http://petfoxstudios.com

With humor and a profound sense of tongue in cheek, Bobby and John discuss relevant issues of faith, masculinity, and technology. We like our ideas how we like our coffee: freshly roasted.”
*see Good and bad on “meditation”? goodnewseverybodycom.wordpress.com


How yoga destroyed my life | Ayman Al-Khatib | TEDxNDULouaize
“..Have you ever heard people telling you how lucky you are to have everything a person could want, when in reality, deep down, you feel confused and empty? When a successful software engineer decides to face his ego and take the journey to happiness, he finds himself in a very casual, ordinary place: a yoga class. Ayman Al-Khatib talks about his journey to the Self and gives a few tips on how one can reach what every man seeks. Ayman is a devoted Yoga teacher and the founder of the Guru Yoga group in Lebanon. In 2012, he started a journey traveling throughout Nepal, India, and many other amazing places. A life changing journey of self-discovery which resulted in him ending his corporate career and becoming a Yoga teacher. Having lived and studied in an ashram in India, Ayman is, today, dedicated to sharing the traditional Yogic philosophy and science in Lebanon and worldwide. His favorite quote is “My life is my message”. ..”

Yes to Yoga
Can a Christian breathe air that has been offered to idols?

by Agnieszka Tennant| May 19, 2005 christianitytoday.com
“…Also yesterday, shame rushed through my face as I read on The Huffington Post, the hot, new, militantly liberal website, a reference to an article on yoga published by Christianity Today’s sister publication Today’s Christian Woman. In it, Max Blumenthal rightly pokes fun at the admiring article’s main voice, which belongs to Laurette Willis, who believes yoga is pretty much of the devil. “Yoga’s breathing techniques (pranayama) may seem stress-relieving, yet they can be an open door to psychic influences,” Willis says.

Willis, who used to be a yoga instructor, believes that the practice opened her mind to New Age spirituality and led to her depression and alcoholism. After she was born again, she’s remade herself into a PraiseMoves instructor (and skilled marketer). She wouldn’t say this, but let’s face it: she’s still a yoga instructor—thus acknowledging yoga’s healthful benefits—but now offers biblical explanations and biblical-sounding names for the poses…”

Ever did yoga? Thinking twice about continuing? What are the positives and negatives? What has benefited you?

Good News Philosophy

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