Longevity: How to “slow” the aging process?

The Science of Aging
“..Published on Mar 7, 2013

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Why do we age, from a biological perspective?


Chronological vs. Biological Age By Sharon Basaraba Updated February 16, 2018 verywellhealth.com
“.. The Difference Between Chronological and Biological Age

As humans, we have two different ages: chronological and biological. Chronological age is the number of years a person has been alive, while biological age refers to how old a person seems. Biological age, also referred to as physiological age, takes many lifestyle factors into consideration, including diet, exercise and sleeping habits, to name a few.

Biological Age vs. Chronological Age

Chronological Age vs. Biological Age



Find out your Biological-Age biological-age.com
RealAge® Test hcamidwest.com

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These tests can’t really say how fast you’re aging November 16th, 2017 Posted by Karl Bates-Duke futurity.org
Whether it’s an online quiz, a $300 chromosome test, or an $800 blood panel, a lot of people seem to be interested in whether they’re aging faster or slower than their chronological age would suggest.
“..“People age at different rates and geriatric medicine needs a way to measure that,” says lead author Daniel Belsky, an assistant professor of population health sciences at Duke University. But when measuring all sorts of different aspects of a person’s physiology, from genes to blood markers to balance and grip strength, “you see a lot of disagreement.”

“Based on these results, I’d say it’s premature to market aging tests to the public,” Belsky says…”


10 Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets
Home » News & Facts » 10 Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets
“Here are the top 10 anti-aging beauty secrets.

1. Follow a Good Skin Care Regimen
Irrespective of your age, you need to follow a good skin care regimen for healthy skin. When your skin is healthy, it will not show early signs of aging.

Cleanse your face daily with a gentle cleanser, both in the morning and at night. This will keep your skin clean, soft and free of pore-clogging debris. When buying a cleanser, avoid those with high alcohol content and other drying agents.
Apply a good quality moisturizer over your entire face, neck, hands and legs twice daily. This will help prevent dry and aging skin.
Exfoliate your skin once a week with a gentle facial scrub. This will encourage skin cell renewal, making your skin look younger. It will also help get rid of dead skin cells and keep your skin smooth, healthy, bright and fresh.
2. Choose Skin Care Products Wisely
Many people make the mistake of using the wrong type of skin care products. This can cause tingling, itching, dryness and irritation. It’s easy to rectify or avoid this mistake.

Determine your skin type by analyzing your T-zone area and then choose suitable products to keep it healthy and young. Also, avoid using too many cosmetic products at the same time.
When you are past your mid-20s, use products with retinol, peptides and antioxidants. Retinol promotes an increase of collagen and elastic production. Peptides can stimulate collagen production and cell repair to help you get younger-looking skin. Antioxidants will protect your skin from the sun and speed up the natural skin repair system.
If you have any doubts, you can always consult a dermatologist for help find the right products for your skin care needs.

3. Wear Sunscreen Everyday
Sunscreen is the ultimate anti-aging tool recommended by beauty experts. Be it summer, winter, autumn or rainy days, you must not leave your home without applying a good quality sunscreen on any exposed body parts.

Too much exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your skin, particularly its elastin, and cause a loss of collagen. This in turn can lead to sun spots, wrinkles, an uneven tone, dryness, rough skin and sunburn.

Apply an SPF 15 (or greater) sunscreen every day, even in the winter. For maximum anti-aging benefits, make sure to apply sunscreen on your ears, neck, legs and hands along with your face.

4. Get Your Beauty Sleep Daily
To stay looking young for years, get 7 to 8 hours of beauty sleep daily without fail. In fact, sleep is considered the most powerful rejuvenating treatment to maintain youthfulness.

When you sleep, adrenaline and corticosteroid levels drop and the body starts to produce growth hormone. During this time, the repair and growth process of cells occurs. If you don’t get enough sleep, this function is impaired and leads to inflammation that causes many signs of aging like wrinkles, dull complexion and fines lines.

A good night’s sleep also has many health benefits like better memory, mood, attention and concentration as well as a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.

To improve your sleep, maintain a regular bedtime, avoid caffeinated beverages before bedtime, take a warm bath with a few drops of aromatherapy oil in the evening, and sleep on the right mattress and pillows.

5. Exercise Daily
Exercise is good for your body and mind. Regular exercise improves blood flow and keeps your skin healthy and vibrant. It also regulates your hormones and promotes proper sleep.

According to a study published in the journal Circulation, exercise has anti-inflammatory potential and decreases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases like heart disease and obesity.

Exercise also combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength, balance and bone density that increases with age.

Do some sort of physical activity for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Activities that can help slow down the aging process are running, walking, dancing, cycling, gardening and even housework. Aerobic exercise classes and yoga also help a lot.

6. Give Yourself a Break from Stress..”
Discover the 6 Best Anti Aging Treatments
April 29, 2013 healthyandnaturalworld.com
“Below are 6 good anti aging treatments that are natural and don’t involve going under the knife or other invasive medical procedures:
1. Sesame Oil….
2. Fish Oil

*see Health: Nutrition-Macronutrients Fats

According to studies, taking enough of fish oil supplements appears to have enormous health benefits including dramatic anti aging effects. Fish oil has anti inflammatory benefits, improves heart and immune functions and helps hair grow and skin look healthy. Specifically, taking these supplements regularly may lower the risk for a host of diseases associated with aging, including coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s disease. Read here more about the amazing health benefits of omega 3 fish oil.

3. Limit white sugar consumption…
4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, help fight free radicals that break down collagen and thus slowing aging process. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in October 2007 found that people who ate foods rich in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin than those whose diets contained only small amounts of the vitamin. Vitamin C also helps form collagen, which smooths fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C also seems to protect against UV sun rays, which can lead to freckles and a mottled complexion and does some repair and firming of the skin. Berries are packed with vitamin C as well as other nutrients, and are known to delay the aging process and to fight free radicals that damage our body. To learn more about the amazing healing properties of berries, have a look at my e-book The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries.
Experts continue to argue whether antioxidants can prevent heart disease, but some of the evidence is highly persuasive. It is therefore a good idea to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are full of vitamin C as well as other healthy nutrients. You can also read my article about the best ways to combine antioxidants in your daily diet. You can also find more information about healthy eating and nutrition in my e-book Effortless Healthy Eating which is part of the Natural Health Revolution Program. This program will help you to achieve your health, nutrition and weight loss goals…

*see Health: Nutrition-Micronutrients Pt. 1~Vitamins=Water Soluble goodnewshealthandfitness.wordpress.com
& Health: Nutrition-Micronutrients Pt. 4~Vitamins=Trace Minerals


5. Treat your eye area and your hands

Many people begin noticing signs of aging on their hands and around their eyes. It is…
6. Water…

9 Ways to Boost Glutathione draxe.com
“..What Is Glutathione?

Glutathione (GSH) is a peptide consisting of three key amino acids that plays several vital roles in the body. Longevity researchers believe that it is so pivotal to our health that the level of GSH in our cells is becoming a predictor of how long we will live! (2, 3, 4)..”

Top 9 Foods & Supplements to Boost Glutathione..

1. Milk Thistle

Used for centuries by traditional folk medicine all across the world, milk thistle has long been praised as a remedy for immune dysfunction. Specifically, silymarin, a unique flavonoid complex derived from the milk thistle plant, has been used for liver damage and biliary tract disease. According to scientists, the secret to milk thistle’s healing prowess is its ability to enhance GSH. Shown to boost glutathione levels in ethanol-induced rats, it was discovered that milk thistle could actually help protect the liver from toxicity in the presence of alcohol consumption; which is well-known to cause glutathione levels to plummet. (17)

2. Whey Protein

Whey protein replenishes glutathione by boosting cysteine which helps rebuild glutathione when it is depleted from an immune response. (18) According to a recent studies, whey protein is the ideal supplement to help naturally increase glutathione for both fighting cancer, strengthening the immune system, increasing metabolism, and reducing appetite. (19, 20) Rich in glutathione, it is extremely important to purchase the right type of whey protein. Avoid any whey protein that is processed, or protein isolate. I recommend grass-fed why or goat whey protein as a dietary supplement. You will want to use a whey protein powder that is all natural or organic (when possible) and is completely free of pesticides, hormones, genetically modified organisms, artificial sweeteners and is gluten free.

3. Sulfur Foods

Since the mid-1990s, it has been a well-established fact that GSH concentrations take a nosedive in the liver and lungs when sulphur amino acid intake is inadequate. (20) This is one of the many reasons I recommend sulfur-rich, cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables as a critical part of any natural health regimen. These include:..


The unbelievably effective asthma remedy N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) helps decrease the severity and frequency of wheezing and respiratory attacks by boosting glutathione and thinning bronchial mucus. NAC is actually a precursor to GSH and it has recently been proven highly efficient at treating neurocognitive issues like addiction, compulsive behaviors, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (21) I recommend taking 200-500mg 1x daily.
Stethoscope and diabetes

5. α-Lipoic Acid

a-Lipoic Acid helps restore GSH levels with any immune system depletion. In fact, it is part of my Reverse Diabetes Naturally in 30 Days or Less plan. Only 300-1200 mg of alpha lipoic acid daily helps improves insulin sensitivity and reduces symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. It has also been shown clinically to restore total blood GSH status and lymphocyte function in HIV/AIDS patients. (22)

6. Methylation Nutrients (Vitamins B6, B9, B12, and biotin)

In the words of Dr. Mark Hyman, methylation ingredients “are perhaps the most critical to keep the body producing glutathione.” (23) The best (natural) way to keep your methylation ingredients at optimal levels is to simply eat these Top Folate Foods:..

7. Selenium

Selenium works as a powerful anti-oxidant and is required for your body to create GSH. Be sure to stock your refrigerator and pantry with these Top Selenium Foods: ..

8. Vitamin C & E

Vitamin C helps raise glutathione in red blood cells and lymphocytes. (24) Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that works with GSH to prevent damage from reactive oxygen and protects glutathione-dependent enzymes.(25) So working together, Vitamin C and E help recycle glutathione and keep you disease-free! Eating these Top Vitamin C and Top Vitamin E foods should be on all of our to-do lists. They together help keep glutathione at optimal levels and boost your immune systems and overall body function!…

9. Beef Liver..

This Is Why You Have Gray Hair March 19, 2016 articles.mercola.com
‘..Oxidative stress: Oxidative stress can be defined as the state in which your free radicals (from pollution, poor diet, stress, etc.) outnumber your antioxidant defenses (from healthy diet). Graying hair may be an indicator of oxidative stress-induced damage.10

Research has also shown that people with premature graying had a higher level of pro-oxidants and lower levels of antioxidants than those with normal hair.11

• Vitamin B12 deficiency: This is also linked to premature gray hair, and there is at least one report of pigmentation returning to hair after the vitamin deficiency was resolved.12..”

My 85-Year-Old Mom’s Beauty Secrets to Looking Young!

Yin & Yang Living
Published on Mar 17, 2016
My mom shares with you her ancient beauty secrets on how to wash and moisturize your face to look 20 years younger!

*see Beauty: Healthier Skin Managing Tips? goodnewshealthandfitness.wordpress.com


Detox fans who claim avoiding ACID food slows down ageing… and why the experts say they’re dangerously wrong, dailymail.co.uk
“…And because our blood is slightly alkaline, with a normal pH of between 7.35 and 7.45, our diet should reflect this.
The problem, say alkaliners, is that we eat too many ‘acid-forming’ foods — wheat, dairy, meat, seafood, sugar, coffee, tea, fizzy drinks and alcohol….

This they say causes a pH imbalance which apparently disrupts the body’s ability to regulate itself — leading to a range of problems from low energy and poor memory, headaches, bloating, muscle pain and insomnia to more serious conditions such as osteoporosis.


*see Health-Neutral Perspective: Alcohol: Good and Bad? goodnewshealthandfitness.wordpress.com

10+ Before-And-After Pics Show What Happens When You Stop Drinking boredpanda.com
How Fast Can Alcohol Age You? Posted on 2/10/2012 | Jodi Sawyer, RN | doctoroz.com
“..Can drinking alcohol really speed up the aging process? Well, the truth is that yes, it can make you age faster by causing wrinkles. This includes premature wrinkles, loss of collagen, elasticity, redness, dehydration and puffiness. However, it’s the amount and frequency of your drinking that really matters. There are actually some recent studies that indicate that alcohol has some health benefits – when you drink in moderation.

To begin with, there are no nutrients in alcohol. In fact, alcohol can adversely affect your nutrition levels by causing a depletion in healthy nutrients that aid in carrying oxygen throughout your body. Specifically, alcohol can have a huge negative impact on your vitamin A level, which is a very important antioxidant for your skin/body and it is vital in the regeneration of new cells.

Vitamin A is also extremely important in the production of collagen. When you have lower amounts of collagen, you lose elasticity in your skin. Collagen and elasticity are what keep your skin supple, taut and looking young. ..”
What causes hair to go white? Prevention Tips Included with Myths and Questions
Posted by Habib Faruk Hime gaizupath.com
“..Harmful Addictions

Taking care of health and following an active life can reduce hair fall and hair graying drastically. Unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking play a major role in premature hair whitening.

Unfortunately, these effects are reversible and the outcomes are very fruitful. Quitting smoking will decelerate whitening of hair by 4% in young people. Genetic factors and disease cannot be reversed at will, but unhealthy lifestyle can. The healthier you are, the better it will show on your skin and hair…”
Alcoholism and Hair Loss
Alcoholism Side Effects


Arizona man, 110 years-old, credits long life and health to 5 foods

Published on Aug 17, 2011

MESA, Arizona – Good old father’s advice and simple foods are credited with helping a Valley man reach a milestone birthday.

“Eat properly and get your rest,” recommends Bernando LaPallo.

Words to live by considering the Mesa resident was born in Brazil in 1901 and has lived to be 110 years old.

“They had no automobiles, no airpl…”

“..Healthy Food Choices

Let us look at foods that are good for elderly people. Begin with the basics. By this, I mean have a balanced meal, or elderly nutrition program, which constitutes:

Carbohydrate-rich foods like sweet potatoes and brown rice
Protein-rich foods like salmon and beans
Fruits and vegetables (five portions a day)..”

Best Diet?
*see Health & Fitness: Trying to lose weight? goodnewshealthandfitness.wordpress.com

Want to Live Longer? Here Are the 6 Best Diets for Longevity
Updated: Oct 4, 2018 10:51 am By Guest Writer womansworld.com
“..Looking for more specific guidelines? Then read on to learn more about the best diets for health and longevity.
1. Mediterranean Diet..”

The Healthiest Diet In The World Isn’t Just About Food – YouTube

Published on Mar 26, 2017
Special thanks to Blue Apron for sponsoring this video! First 100 viewers will get three meals off their Blue Apron order free! Click here: http://cook.ba/2nNSDvO

Most people think the Mediterranean diet is just about restricting what you eat, but they’re getting it all wrong.

Poop Can Teach You A Lot, But You Have To Look At It – https://youtu.be/nfQlZ-a9WFs
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Keep “Physically” Active!

5 Simple Exercises to Test the Age of Your Body

Published on Dec 28, 2017

5 exercises that will help you test your body’s flexibility and guess your body age group. Prepare yourself for anything because the results may be unpleasant. Warm up before you try the exercises: you can either jump, do squats or leg swings. And now that you’re ready, let’s find out your true body age!

Shoulder Joint Flexibility 1:16
Spine Flexibility 3:08
Neck and Shoulder Girdle Flexibility 5:06
Hip Joint Flexibility 6:52
Knee Joint Flexibility 9:01..”

*see Fitness: Various kinds of Stretches goodnewshealthandfitness.wordpress.com

Genetic Health

StrateGene: Genetic Report by Dr Ben Lynch go.strategene.org

Stem Cell Renewal

How to Boost Stem Cell Growth Naturally – MEL GIBSON STEM CELL HACKS

* see

8 Ways to support your mitochondria

Home / Wild Life / 8 Ways… wildnutrition.com
“..A place to begin is the mitochondria. The mitochondria are our cell’s energy factory (or ‘powerhouse’). It’s the job of the mitochondria to produce cellular energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). We know that certain nutrients and enzymes play a huge role in mitochondrial function and, more recently, that genetic variability affects the mitochondria. ..”

Forever Lab (stem cells -fat taken out)


Healthy lifestyle may slow aging in our cells By MICHELLE CASTILLO CBS NEWS September 17, 2013, 4:36 PM cbsnews.com
“It’s no secret that paying attention to diet, exercise, stress levels and getting social support may extend your life. But a new study shows healthy living may even reverse aging deep in our cells….
Ten of the subjects were asked to eat a plant-based diet high in fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains, but also low in fat and refined carbohydrates. They were also told to exercise moderately (meaning walking 30 minutes a day, six days a week) and reduced their stress through yoga, breathing and meditation. The subjects in this group were required to attend a weekly group support meeting….

Top 5 Places Where People Live the Longest
Posted On 21 Jul 2014By : Dana Larsen aplaceformom.com
“….The top five Blue Zones may be relatively isolated and scattered around the globe, but here’s what they have in common, according to the New York Times:

A cultural environment that reinforces healthy lifestyle habits like diet and exercise
Healthy social relationships and psychological well-being
People who tend to gardens
People who have a cooperative spirit
Public health that is easily accessible
Seniors are valued as members of their family and the community….

Centenarians Give Advice on How to Live to 100 Years

How To Live Longer And Defy Aging | Ben Greenfield & Vishen Lakhiani

Personal Tips on Keeping My Youthful Look goodnewseverybodycom.wordpress.com




=>Ikaria (island)

The Island Where People Forget to Die By DAN BUETTNEROCT. 24, 2012 nytimes.com
“..One day in 1976, Moraitis felt short of breath. Climbing stairs was a chore; he had to quit working midday. After X-rays, his doctor concluded that Moraitis had lung cancer. As he recalls, nine other doctors confirmed the diagnosis. They gave him nine months to live. He was in his mid-60s…

Moraitis considered staying in America and seeking aggressive cancer treatment at a local hospital. That way, he could also be close to his adult children. But he decided instead to return to Ikaria, where he could be buried with his ancestors in a cemetery shaded by oak trees that overlooked the Aegean Sea. …

Starting in 2002, we identified three other populations around the world where people live measurably longer lives than everyone else. The world’s longest-lived women are found on the island of Okinawa. On Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, we discovered a population of 100,000 mestizos with a lower-than-normal rate of middle-age mortality. And in Loma Linda, Calif., we identified a population of Seventh-day Adventists in which most of the adherents’ life expectancy exceeded the American average by about a decade….

But more than that, they were also living about 8 to 10 years longer before succumbing to cancers and cardiovascular disease, and they suffered less depression and about a quarter the rate of dementia. Almost half of Americans 85 and older show signs of Alzheimer’s. (The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that dementia cost Americans some $200 billion in 2012.) On Ikaria, however, people have been managing to stay sharp to the end….

Seeking to learn more about the island’s reputation for long-lived residents, I called on Dr. Ilias Leriadis, one of Ikaria’s few physicians, in 2009. On an outdoor patio at his weekend house, he set a table with Kalamata olives, hummus, heavy Ikarian bread and wine. “People stay up late here,” Leriadis said. “We wake up late and always take naps. I don’t even open my office until 11 a.m. because no one comes before then.” He took a sip of his wine. “Have you noticed that no one wears a watch here? No clock is working correctly. When you invite someone to lunch, they might come at 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. We simply don’t care about the clock here.”..

Honey, too, is treated as a panacea. “They have types of honey here you won’t see anyplace else in the world,” he said. “They use it for everything from treating wounds to curing hangovers, or for treating influenza. Old people here will start their day with a spoonful of honey. They take it like medicine.”..

Island where people live longer than anyone on earth | 60 Minutes Australia

“..red wine ..”


This Italian island is home to the oldest people in the world. Here’s their secret Matthew Vickery, Special to USA TODAY Published 3:56 p.m. ET Nov. 14, 2017 | Updated 8:48 a.m. ET Nov. 15, 2017 usatoday.com
“..SARDINIA, Italy — Zelinda Paglieno, who turned 102 in October, offers sobering advice when asked what’s the secret to her long and healthy life: “Two fingers width of red wine, and no more, at lunchtime every day.” ..”

60 Minutes Australia
Published on May 15, 2019
In 2013 Liz Hayes visited the magical island where people live longer than anyone else on earth. They’re also happier and healthier. They have lower rates of cancer and heart disease and no dementia. So how do so many people live to be 100 and still tend their olive trees, drink lots of red wine and dance the night away? They reveal their secrets and you’ll be very surprised by what they say.

WATCH more of 60 Minutes Australia: https://www.60minutes.com.au
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For forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Allison Langdon, Tara Brown, Charles Wooley, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.

What Does the Bible Say About Longevity? – OpenBible.info

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Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good health and prosperity!”