Health & Fitness: Body, Mind, & Soul (Spirit) Exercises

what is mind-body exercise? by Shirley Archer, JD, MA on Jun 01, 2004
“…A Little History

The term mind-body exercise comes to the fitness industry from the field of mind-body medicine. According to the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, mind-body medicine is based on the “inseparable connection between the mind and body—the complicated interactions that take place between thoughts, body and the outside world.” ..”

Health Benefits

The Benefits of Mind Body Exercise
Posted on May 7, 2017
“..The Power of Mind Body Exercise

Although every kind of exercise or physical activity will most definitely help improve your mental health and well-being, there are certain kinds of physical activity that focus more on the mind and body than others. A weight training, swimming, running or cycling session is definitely beneficial to your overall physical and mental health. However activities like Yoga and tai chi are more aimed at exercising the mind and improving your mental health…”

Mind-Body Exercises & Heart Health
“..The mind-body connection means that you can learn to use your thoughts to positively influence some of your body’s physical responses, thereby decreasing stress. If you recall a time when you were happy, grateful or calm, your body and mind tend to relax.

Research has shown that when you imagine an experience, you often have similar mental and physical responses to those you have when the event actually happens. For example, if you recall an upsetting or frightening experience, you may feel your heart beating faster, you may begin to sweat, and your hands may become cold and clammy.

Whether you have been diagnosed with an illness or need to prepare for a medical procedure such as surgery, it is very important to minimize the negative effects and maximize the healthy, healing aspects of your mind-body connection.

A variety of calming and empowering mind-body exercises have been proven to help people:..”

Exercise Benefits Body, Brain, and Mind – YouTube


The origins of Western mind–body exercise methods Jonathan Hoffman & C. Philip Gabel
Pages 315-324 | Receiv ed 30 Aug 2015, Accepted 23 Nov 2015, Published online: 08 Apr 2016
“..Tracing the origins of Western MMB training suggests that the regular practice of movement-harmonizing exercises was embedded in ancient Greek culture.1 Herodotis. The history of Herodotus. New York (NY): Appleman and Company; 1885. [Google Scholar] Calisthenics in Greek means strength and beauty, a combination highlighted in Greek mythology and everyday life. This philosophy engendered sporting activities that were practiced to facilitate self-empowerment and prepare for events such as the Olympic Games or military actions.2 The Atlantic [Internet]. Cheever DW. The Gymnasium (1859). 2015 Aug 30 [cited 2015 Aug 30]. Available from:
. [Google Scholar] Today, Calisthenics refers to full-body movement exercises benefiting the body and mind by employing functional motions such as bending, stretching, twisting, kicking, jumping, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.3..”

Exploring Mind-Body Modalities
“..Here are five likely criteria that La Forge says can help determine whether an activity is mindful, or mind-body, in nature:

1. The activity contains a self-reflective, present-moment and nonjudgmental sensory awareness.

2. It includes a perception of movement and spatial orientation.

3. There is a focus on breathing and breath sounds.

4. Attention is paid to anatomical alignment.

5. The activity has a quality of being “energycentric,” or involves an awareness of the movement and flow of one’s intrinsic energy (chi or prana). ..

Mind, Body & Spirit Workout Routine. Gentle Restorative … – YouTube

Tai Chi

What is Tai Chi? Beginners Guide
“ a way of moving. If you’ve seen photos of groups of people practicing a graceful, slow-moving exercise in China, you’ve probably seen tai chi. This particular way of moving is practiced by over 200 million people.
single whip class beach
Tai chi is different from most other forms of movement and exercise because it’s a way to work directly with one’s qi, or life force. ..”

Tai Chi 5 Minutes a Day Module 01 – easy for beginners – YouTube

Tai Chi for Beginners Video | Dr Paul Lam | Free Lesson – YouTube

Best Tai Chi for Beginners – join in – 8-minute exercise

8 Powerful Ancient Qigong Exercises for Cultivating Healing Energy in the Body
What is Qigong and Why is it Essential?

Qigong (pronounced: chee-gun), which combines meditative and physically active elements, is the basic exercise system within Chinese medicine. Qigong exercises are designed to help you preserve your
Jing, strengthen and balance the flow of Qi energy, and enlighten your Shen. Its dynamic exercises and meditations have Yin and Yang aspects: The Yin is being it; the Yang is doing it. Yin qigong exercises are expressed through relaxed stretching, visualization, and breathing.

*click on pic for references on “ying and yang”

Yang qigong exercises are expressed in a more aerobic or dynamic way. They are particularly effective for supporting the immune system. In China, Qigong is used extensively for people with cancer…”

Chi Gong and Tai Chi (Qi Gong) Energy Healing Exercises – YouTube

8 Powerful Ancient Qigong Exercises for Cultivating Healing Energy in the Body BY MISHA RUTH COHEN

12 Quick And Easy Qigong Exercises To Boost Your … – YouTube

Easy Qigong & Easy Tai Chi – Senior & Elderly Exercise –

T’ai Chi Chih: Rocking Motion by Justin Stone – YouTube


a. Tai Chi Chuan – Chen Style Full Form – YouTube

b. Tai chi chuan for beginners – Taiji Yang Style form Lesson 1 – YouTube
*most used in the West

c. Chang style tai chi – YouTube

d. Introduction to Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan – YouTube

e. 30 Forms Tai Chi: Sun Style – Full Form Beginners Tai Chi for Health …
*recommended for elderly (see Health & Fitness: How to get more “energy” for the Elderly?


Should Christian’s do Tai Chi? September 22, 2012 by bonlou
“..I believe the Holy Spirit made me uncomfortable with the idea, so I decided to look into what Tai Chi really is. I needed to make a decision based on more than just what the pretty flier told me and the enthusiasm of my friends. So, I did some research which I will share with you…

though it’s often called a “moving meditation” since the movements are done slowly and deliberately, and it is taught more as a meditative and health-enhancing practice than as a martial art. ..

There is no supreme God or Creator in Taoism; all originated from the Tao, which is an impersonal principle or source of creation…

It is easy to follow the crowd, but we are to test the spirits to see if they are from God. Well, I can see from my research that the spirit in Tai Chi is not from God. It is anti-Christian. Therefore, I should not get involved.

1 John 4:1 NASB Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

I remember as a child some of my friends would join a certain group, or take part in something, and I wanted to also. I wanted to be part of the crowd. …

*see Spiritual: What is Yoga?

6 Reasons This Popular Meditation Trend Is Dangerous for Christians 6:00AM EDT 7/18/2016 Rosilind Jukic
“..How to engage in biblical meditation

The Lord spoke to Joshua and said this:

This Book of the Law must not depart from your mouth. Meditate on it day and night, that you may act carefully according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way successful, and you will be wise. Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:8-9).

The Hebrew word for meditate used here is hagah, meaning to speak, mutter, muse, imagine or plot.

Biblical meditation is the repeated speaking of the Word of God. It also involves imagining and using the mind to plan ways that we can implement the Word of God in our lives.

You do this by taking a passage of the Word and repeating it over to yourself, examining each word and imagining how it applies to your personal life.

As we begin to make biblical meditation a part of our daily Christian discipline, speaking, muttering the Word of God and imagining how we can mold our lives in concordance with it, we will see our lives transformed and the Lord promises that our “way will prosperous” and that we will “have good success.”

Do we believe the Word in this?..”


Bad karma: When yoga harms instead of heals By Jennifer Wolff Perrine updated 7/15/2008 8:34:49 AM ET
Inexperienced teachers and overeager students behind rise in injuries
“..Years of hunching over my computer had left me stiff, almost breakable. One false move — getting out of bed too quickly, tying my shoe — could lay me flat on a heating pad for days. Friends and family commented that my shoulders were rounding, my back curving, my chin protruding beyond my chest. Sometimes I’d see little old ladies hobbled over canes, their tiny bodies twisted and contorted, and I’d wonder, Will that be me?..

“In my practice, I’ve seen a significant increase in yoga injuries in the past five years,” says orthopedic surgeon Jeffrey Halbrecht, M.D., medical director for the Institute for Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine in San Francisco and a specialist in knee and hip problems. And it’s not only those in the recent wave of newbies who are getting hurt, Dr. Halbrecht says: “I’ve treated more experienced yogis than rookies.”..”
Yoga Injuries and Pain During Yoga Class – What’s the Story?
February 3, 2014 by Kara-Leah Grant
“.. started yoga already injured, and with limited mobility. I’d already had one spinal fusion, and was on a fast track to a second – I had intense sciatic pain down my right leg, half of my right foot was numb and I was walking with a limp.

Within a year or so of starting yoga – a mixture of Bikram and Vinyasa – my symptoms had largely disappeared, although it took several years to regain full feeling back in my foot. It seemed yoga had healed me, where nothing else had worked.

The last year though, things have been different.

Eighteen months ago, carrying my 2.5 year old on my hip while doing a tour of Anahata Yoga Retreat – up and down uneven tracks – I aggravated my sciatic for the first time in years.

Since then, I’ve done about twenty Bikram Yoga classes and I have been in pain through all of them. I start the class pain free, but by the time we’re into the first posture – Half-Moon sidebends, back bend and forward bend – I’m in agony.

This is in contrast to my home practice where I’ve mostly been pain-free…”
Facing my fear: I used yoga to cope. Then an injury took away my lifeline Chrissy Auger Friday 3 June 2016 06.30 EDT
“..Yoga is admittedly self-serving, and westernized yoga is sometimes plagued with contradictions, like people meditating in $100 leggings, posing for sexy pictures instead of sinking into poses, and quietly competing to be the best at stretching. But since I wasn’t into any of that, I thought my practice was relatively pure, and that I was doing yoga for the right reasons: to gain clarity, strength and flexibility. I wanted to be mentally healthy and physically independent, and until recently, I was…

..but I didn’t realize in the moment that accepting a yoga challenge meant pushing myself there, too. Instead of accomplishing a goal I didn’t care about, I got hurt doing the thing I loved the most.

I still needed to balance against the wall to stay upright, so the day that I slipped, either from poor form or my ponytail, I didn’t exactly fall over. But when my weight came crashing down upon my head, my entire body started shaking, and I immediately knew something was terribly wrong. My instructor, who is also my friend, brushed it off, saying I would eventually be able to do the pose.

Instead, my entire world was turned upside down.

I went to see a spine surgeon, who gave me painkillers and a referral for an MRI. He was about my age, and during that first visit, we kidded around and called each other doctor, joking about my PhD. ..

From one moment of seeking inner peace gone awry, I had a herniated disc in my neck, two bulging cervical discs, and the pleasure of learning about some other degenerative surprises like arthritis and stenosis. ..

Pilates Method

An Animated History Of Pilates – YouTube

Joseph H. Pilates | Biography – Jillian Hessel

“..was born on December 9, 1883 in Mönchengladbach (near Düsseldorf), Germany. His father, a native of Greece, had been a prize-winning gymnast, while his German-born mother was a naturopath who believed in the principle of stimulating the body to heal itself without artificial drugs. No doubt his mother’s healing philosophy and father’s physical achievements greatly influenced Pilates’ later ideas on therapeutic exercise. ..”


J H Pilates – YouTube

About Pilates – Pilates Method Alliance

An Exercise in Balance: The Pilates Phenomenon
“I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They’d be happier.” – Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965, age 86.

“ a method of exercise and physical movement designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. With systematic practice of specific exercises coupled with focused breathing patterns, Pilates has proven itself invaluable not only as a fitness endeavor, but also as an important adjunct to professional sports training and physical rehabilitation of all kinds. ..”

How to Use a Pilates Reformer Machine – YouTube

Mr & Mrs Pilates – The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning … – YouTube

Yoga vs. Pilates : What’s the Difference?

*see New Age, Kundalini, Yoga, & Astral Projection In The Church. Yoga & Meditation Spiritually Dangerous youtubecom
*see 16:58 minute mark (“those (some) who have sclerosis did yoga (5th level) …origins of pilates)

Alexander Techniqu

Alexander Technique | FM Alexander Giving a Lesson

What is the Alexander Technique?

“ a way of learning to move mindfully through life. The Alexander process shines a light on inefficient habits of movement and patterns of accumulated tension, which interferes with our innate ability to move easily and according to how we are designed. It’s a simple yet powerful approach that offers the opportunity to take charge of one’s own learning and healing process, because it’s not a series of passive treatments but an active exploration that changes the way one thinks and responds in activity. It produces a skill set that can be applied in every situation. Lessons leave one feeling lighter, freer, and more grounded.” ..”

The Alexander Technique: First Lesson – YouTube

Alexander Technique: Sitting, Standing, Walking, Bending – YouTube

Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method

‘ educational system that uses movement to teach self awareness and improve function.

The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). The Biography of Dr. Feldenkrais shows his diverse fields of study and hints to the sources of the genius of the Method he developed.

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais wrote extensively. Here are some excerpts of his works that will stimulate your thinking, and serve as an introduction to the Feldenkrais Method.

The IFF has adopted Standards of Practice, which give a description of the applications of the method.

Examples of Dr. Feldenkrais teaching can be viewed or listened to in our online Archive.

Materials for purchase are available here:..”

Neuromuscular Integrative Action technique

About NIA – Neuromuscular Integrative Action

“..Based on both Eastern and Western philosophy Nia, or “Neuromuscular Integrative Action,” helps to heal the body, spirit, mind and emotions. It is a fusion of many different movement forms inclucing Yoga, Tai Chi, Jazz, Duncan, Modern, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Feldenkrais and The Alexander Technique.

Designed to be both therapeutic and fun it is set up similar to the martial arts with belts awarded for progress and mastery starting with white and proceeding up to black. Those at the highest level are considered to be Movement Medicine Healers…”

NIA Fitness & Exercise Lessons : What is Neuromuscular Integrative …

Chi Running & Chi Walking

Chi Running & Chi Walking – YouTube

Transitioning Between Chi Walking and Chi Running Posted by Keith McConnell on Thu Nov 10th, 2011
“..Briefly stated, the transition (or change) process from walking to running, or running to walking, is an individualized decision combined with some general principles and timing guidelines. First, it is key to pay attention to yourself, to “Body Sense” so that you are aware of your own energy as you decide to continue with what you are doing as opposed to making the transition: exertion level? heart rate? attitude? current form? And further, what’s going on around you: are you running or walking on level terrain, uphill, downhill? what point in your workout or race? personal goals? aid station coming up? how long have you been either walking or running?..”

American Indian and Alaskan Spiritual Dancing

“Our Culture Is Medicine”: Perspectives of Native Healers on Posttrauma Recovery Among American Indian and Alaska Native Patients
Deborah Bassett, PhD, Ursula Tsosie, MSPH, and Sweetwater Nannauck

RezMove Native Dance and Cardio Workout – YouTube

Spiritual Practices in the Healing of American Indian/Alaska Native …

Biblical Meditation

*see Health & Fitness: “Holistic” Biblical Scripture Meditation and Prayer

The Power of Meditation Enliven Health and Wellness April/May 2015 By: Sherrell Moore-Tucker
“..However, upon further research and good bible teaching I learned that God does in fact want us to meditate. Joshua 1:8 says,

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Now don’t get me wrong I was familiar with this scripture but I lacked the application of it in my life. ..

Christian Meditation

The scientific benefits of mediation are great but here’s where worldly mediation and Christian mediation differ, the focus. Christian meditation is essentially a form of prayer in which you ponder and reflect upon the revelations of God. Rick Warren, in The Purpose Driven Life describes meditation as “focused thinking”. God wants us to mediate on His Word day and night so therein lays the focus. If you are dealing with anxiety meditate upon 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV), “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” And just like prayer you can mediate anywhere. Mediation is even valuable during exercise. For example, you can turn your fitness routine into a moving mediation by focusing on 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”..”

In Prayer | 17-minute Christian meditation

PraiseMoves | The Christian ALTERNATIVE to Yoga!


Pietra Fitness – YouTube
“Pietra Fitness
Published on May 29, 2014
PIETRA FITNESS is a unique ‘whole-person’ fitness program that integrates physical exercise with Christian prayer while drawing upon the rich and timeless traditions of the Catholic Church. Bodily prayer, sacred art, sacred music, and Christian meditation are woven into the stretching and strengthening workout so that in only one hour, you feel calmer, stronger, refreshed, and renewed. “

Breathing Exercises

Breathing Meditation for Beginners | Simple Breathing Exercise …

Breathing Meditation for Beginners – Calm Abiding … – YouTube

Meditation Breathing – Meditation For Beginners – Reduce … – YouTube


5 Ways to Include Mind-body Exercise in Your Fitness Classes Jennifer Turpin Stanfield by Jennifer Turpin Stanfield on August 09, 2017
“..Your fitness class regulars follow you to group strength, indoor cycling and even boot camp. However, you haven’t had any luck getting your loyals to try yoga or Pilates, or any mind-body fitness class for that matter. As health and fitness professionals, we know that mind-body exercise is a great complement to any fitness program, but how can we get our participants to buy in? Here are five ways to incorporate mind-body exercise into any group fitness class. ..”

You can can incorporate some of the breathing and stretches from the various movements above to your “warm-up” and “cool down” stretching before-after a typical workout/exercise.
*see Fitness: Various kinds of Stretches

Walking barefoot, the incredible benefits for mind, body and spirit with this exercise!
*see Fitness: “Safety” & Best Tips (Properly) When Running, Jogging, and/or Walking Outdoors


*see Medical: Coronavirus stories of “possible” Cures, Recovery, Treatments, Healings, etc…

“It Will Make You Immune” Dr. Steven Greer

508,559 views•Mar 31, 2020
Be Inspired
6.47M subscribers
►Special thanks to DR. STEVEN GREER
►We highly recommend you watch his New Documentary “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind:
*besides eating healthy staying away from cigarattes, etc…

Good News Philosophy

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Dangers of Yoga: Side effects – Websites and articles
“..This site presents the side effects of yoga, meditation, transcendental meditation and qi gong. It also presents a record of these practices in schools: Who are the promoters and those who are opposed…”

“Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site. THANK YOU for stopping at our site! May you find what your looking for and “God speed” to good health and prosperity!”